Электронная Библиотека

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Stylistic chronology versus absolute dates for Early Hunting Style rock art in the North American Plains

1993. // Rock Art Studies: The Post-Stylistic Era or Where do we go from here? Lorblanchet M., Bahn P. (eds). Oxbow Monograph 35. Oxford, p. 163–178.

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Systematic pigment use in the Middle Pleistocene of South-Central Africa

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The After Effect of Gryaznov’s Investigation: Trade and Exchange of Goods in the late First Millennium BCE

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The age of the C?a valley (Portugal) rock art: validation of archeological dating to the Paleolithic and refutation of the ‘scientific’ dating to historic anbd protohistoric times

1998. // Arte rupestre e Pr?-Hist?ria do Vale do C?a. Trabalhos de 1995–1996. Relat?rio cient?fico ao Governo da Rep?blica Portuguesa elaborado nos termos da resolu??o do Conselho de Ministros. No 4/96, p. 417–435.

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The Alta rock carvings

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Kwang-chih Chang

The archaeology of Ancient China

/ Fourth edition. Revised and Enlarged. – Yale university press: New Haven and London, 1986. – 450 p.

Bahn P.G

The Bangudae Whales in the Context of the World Rock Art

// Bangudae: Petroglyph Panels in Ulsan, Korea, in the Context of World Rock Art / Project Editor Jiyeon Kim. – Ulsan: University of Uslan, 2013. P. 37-66.


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